About Me

I’m Florian Jacob. I study informatics at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany. Currently, I’m in the fourth semester, and in the future, I’ll study physics as my complementary subject.

I’m a free software enthusiast and I deal with self-hosting your personal services, programming in general, hobbyist game programming in particular and some web development. I’m part of the alaCarte founding team.

My favourite desktop environment is KDE, and on my non-server computers I use Arch Linux or Chakra Linux, which is a KDE-centric distro based on Arch.

In my leisure time, I play minecraft and some adventure games. I also enjoy gardening, geocaching and pen&paper role-playing games.

If you want to contact/follow me or see what I’ve coded, my social profiles etc. are listed on the right.

Other things I’m passionate about:

By the way, this site is written using Markdown and a static site generator named Pelican, and designed with the YAML CSS Framework. Hope you like it. :)
